Sound Healing with Crystal Bowls


Crystal singing bowls and sound baths are ancient practices used for meditation, relaxation, and holistic healing. The vibrations of singing bowls are used to support the healing of physical ailments and energetic imbalances, as well as calming the mind and offering a space for deeper self-exploration.

In today’s high-stress and disconnected environment, finding effective ways to manage stress and rebalance is more important than ever. Sound baths offer an oasis of calm, as the resonant frequencies from the singing bowls help lower cortisol levels, the body’s primary stress hormone. This reduction in stress can lead to improvements in overall health, including lower blood pressure, improved digestion, and a stronger immune system.

The vibrational frequencies of sound healing instruments like crystal bowls have the ability to move through skin, fluid, and bones in the body, causing full body relaxation and recalibration down to the cellular level. Crystal singing bowls work to retune the chakras, aura and physical body and restore it’s natural state of healthy resonant vibration. The experience creates an environment of resonance, or healing, within the body.

Everything in the universe that has an atomic structure vibrates at its own unique frequency– be it a stone, tree, or a living cell. The speed or rate at which it is vibrating is called its frequency. The most ideal frequency for an object to naturally vibrate is called its “resonance”. Every cell, organ, and bone in our body has its unique resonant vibrational frequency. When illness takes hold, at a fundamental level the vibrational resonance of that structure has been compromised, or become “dissonant”.

Negative states of mind, stress and tension, as well as the challenges of daily life, cause disturbances in the natural flow of energy in and around our body’s energy systems. Energies become disrupted causing blockages which create dissonant vibrations, and this over time may cause stress, tension, disharmony and disease to manifest.

The goal of sound healing or sound therapy is to bring all the systems in the body out of a state of dissonance, and back to a state of resonance and harmony. Crystalline structures that exist in our physical body resonate effectively with the sounds emitted by the crystal singing bowls. The vibrations alter brain wave frequencies, allowing us to enter into the alpha-theta healing frequency - which facilitates profound meditative states and enhanced wellbeing.

Each crystal bowl, made of high purity crystal quartz, is tuned to a particular musical note, and these notes are associated with a specific colour and chakra. The bowls remove blockages to energy flow within the chakras, aura and physical body. They relax, re-align and balance the body, mind, heart and soul - bringing us back into a state of harmony.

“Sound is like nutrition for the nervous system. 
The results are waves of peace, heightened awareness and relaxation of the mind and body”

— Jeffrey Thompson, The California Institute for Human Science


The Benefits of Crystal Singing Bowls

The sound waves from quartz crystal bowls are thought to synchronize brain wave frequencies, fostering deep relaxation and a tranquil mind, which may ease anxiety, manage stress, and support a balanced mood. Some of the many benefits of sound healing include:

⟡ Stress reduction

⟡ Reduced anxiety and depression

⟡ Enhanced mental clarity

⟡ A calm nervous system

⟡ Emotional release

⟡ Improved sleep

⟡ Deep relaxation

⟡ Sense of inner peace

⟡ Improved creativity or focus

⟡ Enhanced meditative states


“The adult body is 75% water, and water is a great conductor for sound vibration. When vibrations travel through the body, they promote circulation, energy flow, and rejuvenation. The frequency of the sound synchronises with the brainwaves and activates destress responses in the body.”

Malbert Lee, Sound Alchemist


A Meditative Practice

A sound bath immerses you in frequencies that resonate with the body's energy centers or chakras, facilitating a journey inward. The sounds and vibrations fill the room, creating a cocoon of sound that envelops you. Some may experience visualizations, emotional releases, or a profound sense of peace. Each session can be different, as you bring new energies and mindsets to the experience.

The healing power of sound baths is thought to lie in their ability to shift our brainwave states. Singing Bowls can stimulate alpha and theta brainwaves, inducing deep relaxation and inner peace. This shift can enhance mindfulness, encourage emotional release, and promote a sense of balance and well-being.

The harmonic crystal sound creates a holistic treatment where the whole person - not just the physical body and its associated chakras - are being worked with. Through therapeutic sound, a person’s whole being is balanced with the ebb and flow of the harmonic crystal tone’s resonance.

I use sound healing with crystal bowls in combination with LED light therapy during the New Moon Ritual. The experience of sound helps to facilitate a journey inward and provide a meditative environment in which a person can attune to a healing state.

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